Woodcutters Project
The Woodcutters lithium exploration project lies along a southeast–northwest structural trend from the pegmatite field that hosts the Bald Hill lithium-tantalum deposit, 25km to the northwest, and the Liontown Resources Limited (ASX: LTR) owned Buldania lithium deposit, 25km to the southwest.
Castle has two exploration licences which have a combined area of 242km² (EL15/1846 and EL15/1847), encompassing some 10km of the prospective lithium-bearing pegmatite trend. This area has been mapped by GSWA which, whilst recording the pegmatites, did not specifically explore for or sample them for lithium.
The mapped pegmatites lie within a conceptual regional corridor of lithium mineralisation that also hosts the Alita Resources owned Bald Hill lithium-tantalum mine¹, 25km to the northwest. Their close proximity to several mapped intrusions, the likely source of any lithium mineralisation, is considered very favourable.
Castle’s licences within this prospective corridor also contains several anomalous zones of coincident lithium and lithium indicator elements (rubidium, beryllium, caesium and tin). These anomalies were highlighted in a detailed review commissioned by Castle of historical sampling and multi-element assay data obtained by AngloGold Ashanti (“AGG”) (2009-2010) which was exploring for gold (Refer ASX release 23 February 2022).
Castle undertook soil sampling and have defined five priority zones of geochemical lithium anomalism (ASX release 26 April 2023).
¹ Alita Resources Limited (previously called Alliance Mineral Assets Limited) 20 March 2019 presentation found at: http://www.allianceminerals.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/02122533.pdf